Drilling Into Granite Rock – What You Need To Know

Granite countertop

Drilling into granite rock can be a difficult and time-consuming task. It’s hard to know where to start, what tools to use, or even if you’re doing it correctly. We’ve created this guide to help make the process easier for you. Before drilling into granite, you need to be aware of the following: Granite is … Read more

Drilling Holes In Tight Spaces – Detailed Guide

Drilling a hole in wall

Drilling holes in tight spaces can be a real challenge. It’s often difficult to find the right tools and equipment to make the job easier. We’ve got you covered with our detailed guide on drilling holes in tight spaces. With this guide, you’ll have everything you need to get the job done quickly and easily. … Read more

Should You Caulk Around a Toilet? Here’s Why You Should

Caulk toilet

The debate surrounding caulking your toilet to the flooring has become ubiquitous among plumbers. Caulking is basically a waterproof sealant that helps prevent the leakage of water. It is done around the base of the toilet to stop the water from spilling out onto the floor. It is recommended by the overwhelming majority of plumbers … Read more