How Much Does A New Lawn Cost? – Explained!

The idea of getting a new lawn seems exciting but it doesn’t come cheap. From seeding to sods, you need to invest in a bunch of installations to make your lawn look all pretty. So, that brings up an interesting question, how much does a new lawn cost overall?

The costs for a new lawn vary significantly depending on whether you go down the DIY road or not. Because getting a consultation from the professionals will readily drive up the costs. But on average, you should set aside at least $900-1000 if you want a picturesque new lawn. 

However, that’s not all that goes into the overall equation. In fact, you can actually end up cutting down the costs by half, provided that you’re capable of tackling some of the hard tasks yourself. So, let’s have a look at some of the much-needed installations for a new lawn and their estimated costs. And then you can figure out where to cut your losses.

Costs Associated With Getting A New Lawn 

Here’s a brief overview of all the different types of installations you’ll need to invest in for a new lawn. And their estimated price range is attached as well to help you out with your budget listing.


I highly recommend going for TopSoil installations if you want something completely fresh. This set-up will help you to start everything anew from scratch. As a result, it has the potential to change the entire outlook of your previous lawn.

However, getting topsoil usually means that you’re in it for the long haul. From getting the soil to setting it all up, there’s a lot of work involved. On top of that, the regular watering and eventual greenery will take up so much time. Still, the result is well worth the effort.

So, if you think that it’s going to take too long, best not to go down this road. Go for other less time-consuming methods instead. But I’d personally recommend getting topsoil if gardening is your hobby. 

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If it’s done correctly, it’s so much fun creating a whole new lawn out of nothing. You get to put your personal touch every step of the way. And you get to curate the look as you go. In fact, I know some amazing people who have created absolute masterpieces with such an approach.

As for the pricing, the costs for topsoil depend on the overall area of your lawn. For instance- they usually go for $20-30 bucks per cubic yard of soil around the urban areas. And that’s without the delivery fee or installation fee.

With those attached, you’re looking at up to $150-200 bucks per trip. More if you’re getting the soil delivered from someplace exotic i.e. far away. 

You can reduce such seller costs if you choose to buy from a local wholesaler. You’ll find that many hardware or botany stores sell such soil dumps in abundance. Some even give old ones away for free although that’s highly rare.

If you think you can make those work with proper care, go for them. That way, you can end up saving at least 200 bucks. More if you can take care of the delivery and the installation procedure by yourself too.

Sod/Sod Mats

Sod or sod mats are just what you need to revamp a lawn completely. It not only feels fresh and amazing but also gives off a professional look. However, that’s also why sod mats are the priciest factors for a new lawn.

Unlike starting from scratch like topsoil, you’ll instantly get a fresh new lawn with sod mats. So, they are great for sudden parties and get-togethers when you need to decorate your home in a jiffy. 

That being said, they are crazy expensive and take a lot more effort. For an average-sized lawn, you can expect to spend about $2000 to cover it fully with sod mats. Fascinating, right?

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Well, they do look really pretty after you place them down so there’s that, too. So, if you happen to have a high budget, you should definitely go for sod mats. 

And by the way, you will have to spend another 300-400 bucks or so on labor fees. You can place down the mats yourself too if you want to avoid those extra costs. But considering how expensive sod mats are, I think it’s best to leave them to the professionals. 


Hydroseeding is another really popular method for getting new lawns. It’s kind of equivalent to the topsoil method as they are both quite personalized. But hydroseeding is much quicker than laying down plain old topsoil.

With hydroseeding, you don’t have to spend extra time on seeding and fertilizing separately. The regular watering part is taken care of as well. In a way, hydroseeding is practically a hybrid version of both topsoil and sod mats.

Like topsoil, you can get hydroseeding kits from any of your local hardware stores or botanical gardens. And they do come in varieties for you to select the perfect method for your lawn according to your preferences. 

Again, like sod mats, you can just hire a professional to take care of it all. They are almost half as expensive as the mats so that’s a plus point if you want to save up. 

In fact, it doesn’t even take 20 cents to cover each square foot. So, for an average-sized lawn, you need only $700-800 to cover the whole surface. Pair that up with the labor fees and you can round it right up to a thousand bucks.

Tips You Can Try Out to Reduce the Costs for A New Lawn

Well by now, you know how getting a new lawn definitely isn’t a cheap venture. So, here are a few tips you can try out to reduce the overall costs for a new lawn:

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Seeds Over Sods

While getting a new lawn, directly planting seeds over laying sod mats can reduce the entire cost by half. And that’s because seeds are cheaper and don’t need as much maintenance as sod mats. 

As a result, if you’re willing to compromise on the aesthetic a bit, go for seeds and not sods. Well, that’s actually a bit of misinformation. You can achieve the same level of aesthetic as sod mats if you are a pro at decorating.

All you need to do is to invest enough time and energy into your new lawn. Also, with seeds, you will have more choices with the grass types. And that gives you the room to design the new lawn however you want to.

Hands-On Maintenance

Your new lawn will slowly wear out if you forget to maintain it properly. Especially if you have sod mats or artificial turfs on your lawn. And maintenance costs can take over 100-150 bucks every month. 

Such costs include – aeration, weeding, mowing, fertilizing, edging, re-seeding, and a lot more. Some even invest in additional decorations like green shrubs, bushes, flowery landscaping, etc. And that drives up the maintenance costs even more. 

So, unless you want to spend all these bucks, learn how to take care of your lawn. That way, you will get to enjoy and maintain the beauty of your lawn to the fullest.

So, how much does a new lawn cost after all? Turns out, you can get a fully furnished lawn in just under 400 bucks. But if you want a picturesque new lawn, it’s best to consult a professional. It might cost more but the looks and durability will cover for it in the long run. Thanks for reading and best of luck on getting a beautiful lawn.