Here Is How Long It Takes For Quikrete To Dry – What Matters Most?

Quikrete is a mix of aggregate, cement, and sand that is used to repair overhead and vertical surfaces. Concrete and Quikrete are the same things, the only difference lies with the ratios of the mentioned three ingredients. Before using Quikrete, knowing how long it takes to dry is essential.

Quikrete is a special type of concrete that dries within 20 to 40 minutes only. In comparison normal concrete usually dries within 24 to 48 hours or even more.

In this article, I will extensively discuss how long does it take for Quikrete to dry. For a better understanding of this topic, it would be wise to read through the whole article.

What is Quikrete?

Quikrete is a type of concrete that is made with a different ratio of cement, aggregate, and sand so that it dries quickly. By varying ratios and adding additional ingredients, Quikrete makes a range of different products for different purposes. On a functional level, there is no big difference between Quikrete and regular concrete.

If you need to fill up a crack or set a broken wall, Quikrete would be perfect for the job. There is also a special type of Quikrete for making things like a Shower floor and the kitchen countertop. Not only that, you will find Quikretes of different colors and strengths in the market.`

Now, how long it takes for Quikrete to dry depends on what type of product you are using, the thickness of the pour, and the weather condition you are living in. But on average, it should not take more than 40 minutes.

Factors That Influence the Quikrete Drying Time  

Temperature and moisture are the two major factors that might influence the Quikrete drying time. Let’s talk about them. 


The temperature of your environment will highly affect the drying time of the Quikrete. Now, if you live in a place where the temperature is high, the Quikrete will dry very fast. 

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For example, if you live in a desert, the Quikrete will dry at a very fast rate. This would be very bad for your construction as the concrete will be dehydrated and the final construction will be fragile. In cold climates Quikrete dries and cures much faster. But, extreme low temperatures can actually cause a weak construction. 

So bottom line is, in case of extreme weather conditions you should take some necessary precautions to make sure you Quikrete dries and cures properly. 


Now, moisture takes a very important role when it comes to the Quikrete drying time. For different projects and goals, manufacturers will suggest a different ratio of cement and water. 

It would be wise to follow their direction, otherwise, the drying time may increase or decrease and the final output might become fragile.

For example, if you have around 60 lbs of Quikrete, then, in most cases, you would need around 1.9 to 3.3 liters of water. Now, if you use a higher amount of water in the mix, it will become very loose and will take a very long time to dry.

You might get tempted to use less water for increasing the drying time, but keep in mind that the final product will become very fragile if you do so as using less water will result in weaker bonds of chemicals.

How Fast Does Quikrete Cure?

Typically, Quikrete takes around 7 days to 90 % cure and another month to get to its full strength.

There is a significant difference between drying and curing. Usually, drying refers to the total necessary time for Quikrete to become solid from the paste stage. After drying, it will be ready to handle some foot traffic but would not last anything heavier than that.

On the other hand, curing basically means keeping the Quikrete in an ideal condition so that it could reach its ultimate strength without any problem. 

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How to Manage Time-Strength Ratio of Quikrete in Hot Condition? 

If you live in a condition where the temperature is normally high, you should start mixing and then pouring the concrete very early in the morning or late evening. The temperature at that time would be suitable enough for the chemical reactions to occur perfectly and by mid-day, Quikrete should be perfectly dry.

Now, before using Quikrete in a hot environment, you must take some precautions to increase the drying time of the concrete. They are provided below.

  • You will have to store the dry mix under a shade or inside your house as exposure to high temperature might interfere with the Quikrete’s ingredients.
  • Never use hot water for the mixing process as it will make the Quikrete dry even faster. I will highly recommend you to use cold water while mixing. If that’s not feasible then at least use normal tap water.
  • Use of a sprinkler after damping would make your construction even stronger as it will keep the temperature at an acceptable rate.

How to Manage Time-Strength Ratio of Quikrete in Cold Condition? 

In very cold conditions it is advised to use hot water so that the Quickrete does not freeze. You should also consider using accelerators to speed up the chemical process of curing and drying so that it reaches its maximum strength as fast as possible.

In colder conditions, you will face completely different sorts of challenges with Quikrete drying time. As I have mentioned earlier, in a mild cold environment, the Quikrete will dry slowly. On top of that it might have frozen water particles which can weaken the construction. On average, Quikrete’s strength falls almost 50 percent if the corresponding condition is freezing cold.

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Now, to manage the time-strength ratio of Quikrete in cold conditions, you must follow the precautions provided below.

  • The first thing you need to do is use hot water for mixing the Quikrete. As you already know, in places where the temperature is already very cold, the tap water is also freezing. Always use hot water for every process starting from mixing to pouring.
  • There are many chemical accelerators out there in the market that help to make the final product very sturdy. Accelerators actually speed up the chemical reactions that take place for Quikret to solidify. This does cause an even faster set, and will still ensure stronger construction. 
  • There are many blankets (Concrete blankets) specifically made for covering concrete. They are very handy for those who live in a cold environment. If you are one of those people, I will highly recommend you to use a concrete blanket to keep the floor warm before pouring. You can also use it after pouring but it is optional.
  • While the curing process is ongoing, you will have to keep it as warm as possible. For that, I will advise you to use a burlap cloth. It will trap the heat inside the cover and will keep the temperature up.

Now, taking all the precautions is not easy at all and it will definitely take a bite from your budget. So it would be best for you to just use Quikrete at mid-day; when the temperature will be around 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.


As you can see, knowing the Quikrete drying time is absolutely essential for performing construction work. Now that you know how long does it take for Quikrete to dry, you should be all set to use Quikrete on your next project. Thanks for tuning in and I wish you the best of luck for whatever you are working on.