Fiberglass VS Aluminum Windows: Which Should You Get?

Both fiberglass and aluminum windows have a fancy look and excellent durability. Their prices are also very close to each other. So, Fiberglass VS Aluminum Windows- which one should you choose for your house?

Fiberglass and aluminum windows both have their merits and demerits that make each the right choice for specific situations. So, there isn’t a winner when choosing between the two. 

But, how can you know which is best for you? Well, this article aims to make an in-depth comparison between the fiberglass windows and the aluminum windows. After going through the whole thing, I hope you can make that decision for yourself. 

Fiberglass VS Aluminum Windows: In-depth Comparison

It is not an easy task to choose between fiberglass and aluminum windows. You must compare both the materials meticulously to come to a decision. Here are some factors that may help you judge them properly.


Manufacturers use a unique process called Pultrusion to construct fiberglass windows. It involves pulling polyester resins through a hot dye. After that, the producer turns the polyester resins into strands of glass. As a result of mixing glass fibers and plastic, the consumers get a durable material. 

On the other hand, aluminum manufacturers have two options to produce them. To make extruded aluminum, they press the heated aluminum into dyes. And to make aluminum rolls, they use rollers to create thin sheets of aluminum. However, extruded aluminum has more strength than rolled aluminum sheets. 


Depending on the overall theme of the architectural design, both fiberglass and aluminum have different aesthetic appeals. Moreover, the aesthetic value of building materials also differs according to personal preferences. Both fiberglass and aluminum are popular as great-looking attires for a building installation. 

The thin aluminum window frames allow a large glass area, which gives them a minimal look. As you know, minimalism is a new trait for modern architecture. However, fiberglass offers a variety so far the appearance is concerned. You can cut and mold fiberglass into any shape to create unique styles. This diversity of fiberglass has made it adorable to creative architects. 

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Both fiberglass and aluminum are much more durable than many other glass materials. Manufacturers claim that both of them can last up to 50 years. Unlike vinyl windows, they do not show warping all of a sudden. Aluminum is much stronger than fiberglass so far physical composition is concerned. However, they make a big difference in practice.

The most common use of fiberglass is in residential constructions. On the other hand, many architects prefer aluminum windows for commercial buildings.


The maintenance of aluminum and fiberglass windows is not that different. Both of them have a low-maintenance feature. You can wash them both with warm water along with scrubbings of soft sponges. 

Both aluminum and fiberglass windows look new for many years with minimum maintenance. However, any windows made from metal materials may show signs of corrosion in the coastal environment where there is a lot of salt in the air and the water.

Energy Efficiency

You will find a big difference between fiberglass and aluminum windows so far energy efficiency is concerned. Aluminum is very unpopular for being inefficient in different temperatures. Like most metal objects, aluminum gets hot. They also transmit heat very rapidly. So, their performance as insulators is poor. 

On the contrary, fiberglass is a superb insulator for heat. If you live in a region with extreme weather, you may like a fiberglass window more than an aluminum window. In hot and humid weather, a fiberglass window will work as a protector from heat from the outside. At the same time, they will keep your house warm for a long time in chilling winters. 

Price Difference

Compared to fiberglass windows, aluminum windows will cost you less. However, the difference is not that significant. The market price of both of the window materials is close by since their durability is also much alike. However, fiberglass is slightly more expensive than aluminum windows because of its efficiency in dealing with extreme hot or cold weather.

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Both aluminum and fiberglass windows are more expensive than windows made from vinyl materials. However, they are cheaper compared to wood windows.


The use of aluminum windows in building constructions has a long history. You will find aluminum windows in almost every corner of the world. 

On the other hand, fiberglass is comparatively a new invention. It gained popularity only in the past 20 years. However, now every large manufacturer produces fiberglass apart from other window materials.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fiberglass and Aluminum

Both fiberglass and aluminum have some advantages and disadvantages. You should know all of their positive and negative aspects if you want to choose any one of them.

Advantages of Aluminum Windows

Compared to vinyl and many other window materials, aluminum windows are strong. As a result, they are very durable too. You can count on aluminum windows to last for decades after the installation. Moreover, the strong-built texture of aluminum windows does not let them break into pieces in the most horrible storms.

The sleek look of the aluminum windows has been the standard for modern architecture for decades. Aluminum windows shine with reflections of lights. Besides, you get a large glass area of a window when you use aluminum. As a result, the whole building shines and smiles when you install aluminum windows with it. 

Another good aspect of aluminum windows is the low maintenance. You do not need expensive gears and cleaning agents to keep it shining for years. Only ordinary warm water and scrubbing foams can do the magic. Besides, unlike many other window materials, aluminum windows do not warp or swell with different weathers. 

Disadvantages of Aluminum Windows

You will not find many disadvantages of aluminum windows. The biggest of them is its lack of efficiency in managing different temperatures. The performance of aluminum windows is poor as an insulator. As a result, the room gets hot quickly when the weather is hot and humid. Likewise, aluminum windows cannot do a lot to keep a room warm on winter days.

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Another disadvantage of aluminum windows is their proneness to condensation. Condensation is the sweating of a window when it comes in contact with the comparatively warmer air inside the room. 

Advantages of Fiberglass Windows

An advantage of a fiberglass window is its ability to take any shape or style the designer can imagine. The advent of fiberglass has made it possible to make the outlook of a building a piece of art. You will also admire the strength and durability of fiberglass. It is as durable as aluminum windows. 

Another beautiful feature of fiberglass windows is their capability to deal with outdoor temperature. Unlike aluminum windows, fiberglass windows will not quickly make your room hot when the weather is warm. Likewise, it will work as a fine insulator to keep your home warm when the weather is too cold. Like aluminum glass, it also does not warp or swell.

Disadvantages of Fiberglass Windows

The disadvantages of fiberglass windows are fewer than any other window glasses. The price is a bit higher than aluminum glass due to some extraordinary features of the glass. However, the price difference is not very high.

Another accusation against fiberglass windows is their lack of availability. As you know, fiberglass technology is comparatively new in the industry. So, the demand and supply of the window material are much less than other types of materials.

It is hard to find a winner in the battle between fiberglass VS aluminum windows. What matters the most is personal preference and the conditions of your residence. 

I hope this article will help you choose the best window material for your home.