How Often Should I Shock My Pool? – Expert Advice

Systematic cleaning is a must when it comes to owning a pool and at the same time, you need to shock it occasionally. Now, the first question that pops up in a new pool owner’s mind would be, “How often should I shock my pool?

You need to shock your pool at least once or twice a week. But depending on where you live and how much you use your pool, that frequency might increase. Algae and other organic matter keep your pool from getting unsullied. Thus when you shock your pool, you’re essentially removing all the dirt and its residue.

Only knowing when to shock will not be sufficient. Some other factors and restrictions need to be taken into consideration before you go out of your way to shock your pool. And in this article, I will tackle the most important factors so you can shock your pool efficiently and safely. 

How Often Should You Shock Your Pool?

The ideal time to shock your pool would be once every 7 days. If once a week seems too much for yourschedule, then it’s recommended that you do it at least once every two weeks. This is necessary to keep the pool’s pH level at an acceptable level.

In terms of usage, you will need to shock your pool more frequently if you regularly have guests over. Pools collect more dirt after extensive usage. If you need an idea about how much shock you should use, then check the back of the packet or container for the details.

Normally, you need around 32 ounces of shock for about 32000 liters of water. Keeping the amount close to the aforementioned magnitude will ensure that your pool is getting enough sanitizers and chemicals to fight the germs.

Other than the regular clean-up, you will also have to ensure that your pool stays clear after the following occurrences:

  • Start and end of the season: A seasonal cleaning is a must if you wish to keep your pool free of all dirt and bacteria
  • After a heavy rainfall: Rainwater will interfere with the pH level. And it will rise to 7.2 to 7.4 and even more. The shock is hence needed to keep it at a normal level.
  • After a party: Normally, after a pool party is thrown, the pool gets polluted with dirt and party residue like plastic cups, etc. And let’s not even describe the bodily fluids that stay back after everyone leaves.
  • On a hot and sunny day: Bacteria grow during more heat. And that will eventually lower the chlorine level in the pool.
  • If the swimmers feel irritation: If you, or your family and the others using the pool feel an itch or any form of irritation in their eyes, then it’s a clear indication that there is an extra build-up of chloramines in the pool. This calling means that you need to shock it as soon as possible.
  • At the end of the day: When you’re done with your pool for the day, it’s best to give it a shock before closing it. In this way, you’ll have clean water for your next use. Though recommendations suggest that you shock your pool again after reopening it
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How to Tell If Your Pool Needs A Shock? 

In the rush and gush of life, we often tend to forget to take care of our surroundings. Pool maintenance is exceedingly important because you need to keep your water chemistry balanced and clean of algae and bacteria

Several pool owners are forgetful when it comes to keeping their pools pristine or maybe they just don’t have the time or patience. But before you schedule the time, it’s predominant that you know when your pool needs cleaning and a good shock.

Numerous factors play a consequential role in determining when your pool needs a good cleaning. It’s strenuous to decipher all of them so we’ll just look into the ones that can be recognized undisputedly.

Excessive algae: Algae is found in different variations. While some are just toxic, others can be fatal and put you on your deathbed. Fortunately, the production of cyanobacteria makes it visible to the naked eye so you can take it out accordingly. They also produce a foul smell. So, if you can’t see the bacteria, you will be able to smell it so be on alert at most times.

The normal chlorine volume in a pool is encircling 2 to 3 PPM. But, to get rid of all the algae and bacteria, you need to raise the level higher. The suggested level is at 10 or 12 PPM. At this level, no algae or bacteria will dare to survive in your pool. 

Murky water: If you notice a discoloration in the water, don’t be foolish enough to think that it’s because of the water. The more realistic cause of this cloudy water is rainwater. The particles and other contaminants in rainwater seep into the pool, making it unclear. The high concentrations of chemicals are also a reason because of the chlorine and sanitizers dumped.

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Eye Irritation: If you jump into your pool and your eyes start stinging then you can be sure you need 

Why Is It Important To Shock Your Pool?

Shocking is crucial to keep your pool from odor and contaminants consisting of various forms of bacteria and other organic components.

When your pool is in use daily, it’s introduced to germs, dirt, sweat, dead skill cells, and other particles. Along with human secretion, there are also pollutants from the environment. Wastes such as leaves, and bugs also collect at the bottom of the pool.

Thus, if you shock your pool only once and leave it as is, these substances will again defile the pool. Rainwater also affects the pH levels. To keep the pH balance in check, you need to shock your pool at least every one to two weeks to discard the imbalance in the chemicals inside.

Furthermore, to get rid of the contamination, you need disinfectants that will break down and remove the particles from the pool. If you’re unable to do this, the individuals using the pool will end up with infections that will lead to diseases

This is why it’s crucial and extremely important that you keep your pool environment clean at all times. And this is achieved with the help of shock.

How to Shock Your Pool? 

To shock your pool, just pour the diluted mixture around the circumference of the pool. If you’re using a granular powder, just sprinkle the powder around the perimeter of your pool. 

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Here are some things to consider during and after shocking your pool: 

  • Avoid direct contact with the substance as it causes irritation and bleaches your clothing. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. 
  • You must refrain from pool entry for a day or two after the operation. Since the chemicals present in the product will harm your skin and irritate the eyes. 
  • You should always read the instructions before you utilize your packet of shock.

Arriving at the end of the article, I hope you were able to grasp the concept of ‘’How Often Should I Shock My Pool?’’ Pool shock is a substantial component of keeping your pool clean and safe. You will have to put in the effort and go through this excruciating process with patience.But the results will be worth the effort. If you’ve reached the end of the article, then I would like to thank you for making it this far. Hope you have an amazing day ahead!